Labor & Employment Lawyers in Lake Charles
Counseling, Dispute Resolution, and Litigation Representation
We provide exceptional and experienced employment representation.
At Sudduth & Associates, LLC we are proud to offer representation to employees and workers who have been subjected to unlawful workplace practices and discrimination within the workplace. There are many lawyers that work as corporate counsel to defend companies in their conduct. However, there are very few lawyers that practice in this field on the side of the employee. We are proud to stand with workers.
Mr. Sudduth has extensive experience and practice in litigating, settling, and negotiating various employment cases as detailed below. However, this is not a field that he originally intended to practice in. This field is intimately personal to him. As he describes it:
“I never studied this topic in law school, had no desire to learn it, and certainly never thought I would practice it. Then it happened to a family member of mine. This person was a Type I Juvenile Diabetic, meaning she was diabetic through no fault of her own. It happened to her as a child. At the time she was working, her eyesight began to fail as the diabetic condition attacked her eyes. She begged for accommodations to see the work easier and her employer refused and eventually fired her. The humiliation she suffered, the pain she experienced, the hopeless look on her face was too much for me to ignore. I poured myself into learning this area of law to fight for her and fell in love with fighting for inured employees and workers. I guess you could say I have a soft spot for the underdog.”
Let Us Work for You!
Second, in employment law – timing is everything! Most statutes require that you file your suit within one year of the act causing damages. However, under Federal law you are required to first and foremost file with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) and you must do so within 180 days of the alleged act of discrimination. Notice that the time period has been shortened by six (6) months. Most people lose claims simply because they assume they have a year and they do not.
If you feel you have been a victim of discrimination or unlawful employment practices, do not hesitate. Contact us today! The sooner you get a lawyer involved on your behalf the better your chances of a positive outcome.

Our Practice Areas
Lake Charles Attorneys Going to Work for You
As you tour this site we encourage you to find the particular area of employment law below that applies to your situation and read more about it. However, before doing that we want to briefly explain about employment law. First and foremost, employment law is one of the more complicated areas of law and is riddled with “land mines” at every turn. It is essential that you get a skilled attorney in the area of employment litigation who can help you navigate all the complicated turns.
At Sudduth & Associates, LLC, we guide workers through complicated and challenging employment law cases. Watch the video to learn how our team helped one individual subject to wage discrimination get the settlement he deserved.