Lake Charles Retaliation Attorneys
All of the laws mentioned within this Labor and Employment section of the Sudduth and Associates website also make it illegal to retaliate against applicants or employees because they speak or participate in an employment discrimination investigation, proceeding, or lawsuit.
The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit.
In addition, other specific federal and state laws prohibit retaliation against individuals who engage in certain protected activities, including the Fair Labor Standards Act, the False Claims Act, and the Louisiana Whistleblower Statute.
In general, and this is grossly simplistic, however in general for someone to succeed in a retaliation claim, that person must prove:
- That they were engaged in “protected activity” under the law. “Protected activity” could include informal complaints to supervisors, participating in an internal investigation or grievance procedure, filing a charge of charge of discrimination, or bringing a lawsuit.
- An adverse employment action occurred (that could be firing, failing to promote, workplace discipline, change in benefits, demotion, suspension, or reassignment of duties.
- The adverse employment action that was taken was taken because of the person engaging in the protected activity.
Worker's Compensation Issues
The Louisiana Worker’s Compensation Act can be found at La. R.S. 23:1021 et. seq. and specifically protects workers from retaliation for filing a worker’s compensation claim. The workers’ compensation law prohibits you from refusing to hire or discharging anyone because they have asserted a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. Any person who has been denied employment or discharged from employment in violation of this law may be awarded one year’s salary, reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs.
NOTE: The number one issue we see with workers and employees is that they simply are not aware of their rights. Do not be intimidated or bullied from seeking the help you need. These statutes are in place to protect you, and we are here to help you assert those rights.
If you feel you have been a victim of retaliation, do not hesitate. Many companies have teams of lawyers looking out for their interests, you need the experienced and dedicated team of paralegals, attorneys, and investigators, to assist you here at Sudduth & Associates. Remember that the sooner you get a lawyer involved on your behalf the better your chances of a positive outcome.
Contact us today at (337) 282-9003!

The Advantage of a Former Prosecutor on Your Side Client Reviews
Thank you for saving my future and giving back hope when I was feeling hopeless. James Sudduth and Kourtney Kech are my dream team!!- Kari P.
These guys are thorough, competent, confident, knowledgable, and so much more. This is a law firm that cares about what they're doing. Highly recommended, and respected. Thank you!- Dakota J.
Upon meeting with Mr. Sudduth for the first time, it was very obvious to me that he was well experienced in his areas of practice. He was very communicative, made himself available to address any concerns or needs and was extremely attentive to the details of my case. As thorough, goal-oriented, hard-working and determined as he and his staff were, one attribute stood out among the rest-they genuinely cared about me and my family. This was my first (and hopefully last) experience dealing with this type of litigation and the trauma it caused us, but James was there every step of the way and he fought for me; he fought for a resolution to the injustice I suffered. He cut straight through all of the nonsense and helped change workplace culture to make it a better place to work for everyone. For that, I am extremely grateful and proud that I made the choice to hire him as my attorney. I pray that many blessings come to the Sudduth and Associates team—Keep fighting the Good Fight. I give my absolute highest recommendation!- Rebecca
James was always professional and considered all of the facts when working towards resolution of matters. He exercised great wisdom in the execution of his job a prosecutor.- Brent
I felt very at ease speaking with James. He listened, took detailed notes and asked for clarification where he felt it was required. Secondly, he gave me some excellent advice regarding my situation, both legal and also mediation.- Former Client
Smart, driven, direct, passionate. Amazing man, which makes him an amazing attorney. Treated me and my family as if we were a part of his. I am forever grateful for the hard work and dedication he put into my case.- Sherese
From day one Ryan took the time to explain every step to me. I had so many questions and he was so patient to answer everything for me. They were very professional and I knew that I was in good hands.- Former Client
These guys are thorough, competent, confident, knowledgable, and so much more. This is a law firm that cares about what they're doing. Highly recommended, and respected. Thank you!- Dakota